
At the time of learning a language, there are many questions you may come up with and  there is one in particular that learners should ask before taking any Spanish immersion program abroad.


Should I be in a one on one class or a group class? In order for you to answer this question let me give you some thoughts and help you decide the best option for you. If you want to learn how to speak up in meetings, get comfortable with small talk, improve listening, practise negotiating, learn to debate, or gain confidence in public speaking, consider a group class.


Now if you want to focus on your individual pronunciation problems, learn how to speak in 1 to 1 settings, improve writing, learn industry related vocabulary, practice interviewing, or have all of your errors analyzed and corrected, consider a private 1 to 1 lesson.


Also be aware of what motivates you. If you are a person that enjoys talking to others, then a class might motivate you more or likes to work with a team, and you are inspired by other people, a class will be more interesting and motivating than a one to one lesson.


But if you do not like to work in groups and want the full attention of the instructor, then a one to one class might be better for you. If you are easily distracted,  personal instructor who will keep you on task will be beneficial.


The main point is:

In order for you to improve your level, you need to believe that the environment is right for you.

To put it in a nutshell:


Benefits of a Group Class:

  • interacting with your classmates is highly effective for your language development
  • learning in a group can take the pressure off of you.
  • you can make friends and business connections


Benefits of Private Lessons:

  • the lessons can be personalized and reflect exactly what you want and need.
  • Instructors can give you individualized attention and feedback.
  • your lesson time and location can be scheduled around your life and work.
  • you can work on sensitive work-related material that you don’t want to share with a class.


Consider the following:

Your needs, motivation, learning-style