Cristian’s profile

Cristian’s profile

Cristian was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina but at the age of 12 he moved to Colón, Entre Ríos. When he was 30 years old, he decided to move to United States to study English and Spanish. Even though he had already studied English for 

Why choose our programs in Colón

Why choose our programs in Colón

The teaching and learning process will be easier if you can not only learn the language but also if you can experience, value and immerse yourself into a fascinating and rich culture. Our goal is that you not only say it but also feel it.

Why study in Colón

Why study in Colón

Colón is an ideal and fantastic educational environment to learn the Spanish language since you will not only be in an academic atmosphere, but you will also be exposed to a rich and amiable culture. During your staying, you will learn a captivating and useful